Mar 12, 2011

My Manifesto

Alright so now as my final blog entry I am going to try to come up with my own manifesto on how to live and live creatively. This is really just the start of my personal manifesto, and I'm sure it will change and grow considerably as time ticks by.

 I will creatively title this:

Emily Manifesto:
1. Life will always be a mess. There is always something. Some dilemma, some stress, some obstacle, some variable, something out of your control. If you always plan on starting to do something after the "something" is eliminated, you will always be waiting. If you let the mess be there and stop feeling as though you have to always sort it all out, the chaos starts to seem less overwhelming.
2. Nothing ever happens the way it should. You can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather. If you stop seeing this as a bad thing, it relieves a lot of stress. It's okay that your extensive plans get shot to hell sometimes, it's better to just say "well alright!" and go with it.
3. Listen to music. All the time. It makes everything better. Especially when it's really loud.
4. Really listen to people. Don't just wait for a pause so that you can fit your story in. Unless you have a really really good story to tell. People know a lot of things that you don't. And don't just listen to the words they say. People tell you things actively (vocab word!) all the time. The way people say things, and what they choose to tell you can tell you a lot. People are really fascinating.
5. Sing loudly in the shower and car. When no one is home, I belt so loudly. It is the best release.
6. Keep journals. All the time. Buy one that you like to look at, and have it with you all the time. My 4th grade journal is like a time machine, reading it is the most bizarre and wonderful experience. Really vivid memories fade really fast, and sometimes they are worth recording if you want to keep them around for later. Don't feel like you have to make extensive entries, or even like you have to make sense. A few words can be just as important as pages and pages.
7. Stop beating yourself up. You made a mistake and really F'ed things up, and now you feel like shit. So did every single other person at one point or another, and likely more than just at one point. Stop pounding your head against the wall and let yourself off the hook. We all suck sometimes.
8. Don't take yourself/anything too seriously. Laugh at yourself all the time. Laugh at situations all the time. It is amazing therapy.
9. Don't hold grudges. They are just dead weight. Soul-heaviers. Let um go. 
10. Look at the moon. It helps to keep things in perspective. When I look at the moon, it gives me this strange feeling and reminds me that we are on a planet; a tiny rock in a very large universe. It makes little frustrations seem a lot smaller and less significant. It helps me look at the big picture, and clear my head.
11. Don't be afraid to care. If we all stopped having so many walls up, things would happen a lot more quickly. Don't play games. Don't pretend to care less than you do.
12. Don't get embarrassed. No one really cares as much as you think they do. And if they do, they are lame anyway.
13. You don't always have to explain yourself. Only you really know how your mind works, and why you do some of the things you do. It's ok if other people don't always get it.
14. Make pictures in your head. Play out good situations in your mind. Make your dreams come true in your imagination over and over again. I have found that this has some magical quality, and helps subconsciously guide you towards making good things happen.

I know that's 14 things and not 10, but I couldn't pick any to eliminate! Well that is the conclusion of my Media 203 blog. I might eventually transform this into a real life blog, but it is going to rest here for a little while. Thanks for reading!

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