Mar 11, 2011

Blog 8A

^^^There's a link to an episode of This American life, regarding superheroes and the like.

So, in thinking about what superpower I'd most like to have, a few things come to mind. I really think it would be nice to have the power to be able to move objects with my mind like Matilda. She's not a typical superhero, but she was one of my childhood role models, so she's a superhero to me. She's so brave an tough. She's the coolest.

I think that it would be nice to have this superpower, because I would be able to eliminate the time I spend each day simply retrieving objects. There is nothing worse than tucking in on a winter's night after a long cold day, finally getting comfortable and warm, only to realize that the light is still on. If I were able to just use my powers to turn it off, I would be able to just peacefully drift back to sleep.

Day to day life can be hard enough. Having the power to move objects with my mind would help to take the edge off. I would be able to open windows, close doors, retrieve books, rearrange furniture; all with the slight nod of my head.

This superpower would help me become a better lifeguard as well. When someone needs an AED, they don't have time to wait for someone to run and get it. If I could retrieve objects with my mind, I could just float it right over to us in minimal time.

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